knopinconlu Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Free Download Contraband

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646f9e108c Chris Faraday once smuggled illegal items or contraband into the country on freighters. He left that life behind, got married, has a family and went legit. But when his brother-in-law got involved with Briggs, a drug dealer and when he blew a deal, Briggs demands restitution which he can't deliver. So Chris offers to find a way to pay Briggs but then he threatens Chris' family if he doesn't deliver. So he gets on a freighter destined for Panama and he sets out to bring back some counterfeit currency. Briggs "goes to see" Chris' family. When Chris learns of this he asks his friend Sebastian to take care of them which he does. He tells Chris that it would be better to bring drugs instead of the cash.
In New Orleans, the former smuggler Chris Faraday has regenerated and raised a family of his own with his wife Kate and their two children. Chris works in installation of alarms and his father is locked in prison for smuggling. When his brother-in-law Andy dumps in the sea water 10 pounds of cocaine that he is smuggling for the drug lord Tim Briggs to escape from the custom officers, Chris is forced to pay Andy's debts to protect the youngster and his own family. Chris leaves his wife and children under the protection of his best friend Sebastian Abney and travels in a Container Carrier to Panama to bring counterfeit bills and raise the money to pay Briggs. But Briggs and his partner want to force Chris to smuggle drugs and will use his family to reach their objective. Meanwhile Chris is betrayed and gets in trouble in Panama.
This movie was OK, but nothing new. The one thing I can&#39;t stand about these type of movies, and it is very evident here, is how the criminal comes close to getting caught so many times, but always has a genies plan to get away with the crime.<br/><br/>Here, Chris, is an ex smuggler whom must get back in the game to save his brother-in-law from a gangster that he owes drugs. So Chris and some former pals go to Panama on a ship and plan to smuggle counterfeit bills. Meanwhile, he leaves friend, Sebastian, to look out for his wife and kids. But, it doesn&#39;t take long to see Sebastian is in over his head.<br/><br/>In Panama, the plan goes off the grid, but some how they always find a way. And at the end, we find out a tarp will make all their dreams come true.<br/><br/>FINAL VERDICT: Entertaining, just not a new idea. If you like heist films, check this out.
I will start this review by saying - Where was the press release on this movie? I knew nothing about it until two weeks prior.<br/><br/>To the film itself…we have nothing original here. Yes, it&#39;s true, every film now-a-days tends to slightly mirror another film, but this film in particular has the familiarity of having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It might be okay for some people once and a while, but most people want something a little more filling and unpredictable.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s look at the flaws…<br/><br/>1.) Mark Wahlberg is fine, but we&#39;ve seen him sleep walk his way through movies like this many times already. It&#39;s always been tough to see him seriously as the &quot;action hero&quot; he&#39;s been taking on lately. I&#39;d like to see him expand out and do more films like &quot;The Fighter&quot; or &quot;I Heart Huckabees&quot;. The rest of the cast is fine, but it&#39;s only fine - No one is doing anything that they wouldn&#39;t normally play…everyone is in a comfort zone and there is nothing to care about for any of the characters on screen.<br/><br/>2.) 0% Originality. That wouldn&#39;t be terrible…sometimes you just need a good old action film to get you through the day…but this has no glamor and no game. Some action films seem like they&#39;re made up of &quot;best of&quot; moments from previous action films, and this feels like they&#39;ve borrowed a lot of &quot;worst of&quot; moments.<br/><br/>3.) No action. I&#39;m serious. There is one scene that almost makes it to a thrilling full on chase, but is short lived, and is over before you care. Occasionally someone will get punched in the face, and there are way too many gun pointing in faces, but that&#39;s it.<br/><br/>Let&#39;s look at what&#39;s good…<br/><br/>1.) J.K. Simmons is the one guy who breathes a little life into the ensemble. Yes, he&#39;s still the fast talking funny man, but he&#39;s put a nice little twist on what he usually is stuck with and is the only compelling person to watch on screen…<br/><br/>2.) It&#39;s got a good run time. Just under 2 hours - If only they had the right material to put in those two hours…<br/><br/>3.) Decent standard action soundtrack.<br/><br/>3 stars out of 10. If you liked this movie or you would like a better recommendation on a similar sort of film… check out &quot;Gone In 60 Seconds&quot; or &quot;Oceans Eleven&quot;.<br/><br/>Over and dead, <br/><br/>Fox Rain Matthews
This solid if disposable genre exercise maintains a hard-driving line of action and a commitment to one-damned-thing-after-another storytelling that carries it past any number of narrative speedbumps and preposterous detours.
When Giovanni Ribisi first auditioned for Contraband, it was for a different part. The director, Kormákur, suggested he read for Tim Briggs, the local thug who terrorizes the Farraday family. Kormákur says he was originally looking for the tough guy, but he felt that Ribisi brought something unexpected and more dangerous than a typical bully would.
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