a5c7b9f00b When a yearlong feud between two sides of the law in the frontier town of Tombstone culminates in 30 seconds of lead-fueled fury, one of the most glorified shootouts in the west is born, or was it a justifiable slaughter? Brought to life through ballistic tests, forensic analysis and stylized recreations. Virtually every documentary and movie treatment of the Earp Brothers and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral contains differing elements, so it&#39;s no surprise that this new entry would do the same. But what I find in this episode are a couple of astonishing discrepancies from a historical perspective. The first, and this is fairly major, was the number of cowboys to stand in opposition to the Earp Brothers and Doc Holliday. Virtually every other treatment I&#39;ve ever seen or read about has five men for the cowboy faction, but this episode only has four - young Billy Claiborne is not even mentioned.<br/><br/>The other has to do with the casualties inflicted by both sides. This episode shows Wyatt Earp getting shot, but among the brothers and Doc Holliday, he was the only one left unscathed in the dramatic shootout. I also found something else kind of interesting. This story gives the impression that Wyatt Earp took the first shot citing his knowledge of Frank McLaury being handy with a gun. In the recent Bill O&#39;Reilly produced series &#39;Legend and Lies&#39;, the episode on Doc Holliday, perhaps because the emphasis was on Doc, insinuates that it might have been Holliday to get the gunfight rolling.<br/><br/>The one idea that&#39;s consistent with most of the better documentary and movie versions of the Gunfight is that there were about thirty shots fired within about thirty seconds. This is the first time however, that I&#39;ve ever heard it mentioned with a breakdown, with the Earps and Holliday firing twenty two times against the Clanton and McLaury&#39;s eight bullets. I guess on site forensics could have established that at the time, but I wonder if anyone might have thought of it.<br/><br/>With only about twenty two minutes of screen time, there&#39;s not enough time to develop much of the back story to the Earp - Clanton feud, and what&#39;s offered doesn&#39;t do much to add clarity to their disagreement. This leads me to be wary of ensuing episodes in the series, particularly ones where I&#39;ve done a little bit of my own research.
knopinconlu Admin replied
338 weeks ago